Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Freeing Free Will..Correcting Your Perceptions

Changing your perception is the key to happiness. Most people are programmed to look at everything that happens to them objectively (outside of themselves) instead of subjectively (inside themselves). We learned to focus our attention on blame. We can't control everything that happens in our life, but we can learn to understand our perception's participating role in the way we experience reality, and learn to control our re-action to what is happening. One thing I've learned is to "respond" instead of "re-act". When we re-act to something, we are usually coming from fear. When we respond, we are coming from the present and therefore we are more in control of our emotions. We therefore feel empowered over instead of enslaved under our emotions. We actually do have "free will" to choose how we live our life. For more information on upcoming events and courses log onto or

1 comment:

  1. Dr. Erika Duffy has helped me this year regarding the loss of my father and how to deal with the challanges that came during that very dark time. She is a woman of great compassion and it is through her wisdom that I have been able to view the world in a new light and I am grateful for her help, it has certainly changed my life for the better.
